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Distinguished Medical Engineering Seminar - Shana Kelley, Northwestern University

Thursday, November 11, 2021
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Building Biomolecular Sensors for a New Era of Physiological Monitoring
Professor Shana Kelley, Neena B. Schwartz Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering,, Northwestern University,

To put disease-related biomarkers to work for physiological monitoring, new high-performance technologies are needed to enable rapid and sensitive analysis of proteins and other biomarkers on a continuous basis. Electrochemical methods providing low cost and direct biomarker readout have attracted a great deal of attention for this application. In our laboratories, we have used controlled nanostructuring of electrode surfaces to enhance biomolecular capture rates and efficiencies (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017). By immobilizing biomolecules on nanostructured surfaces, high-performance biomolecular detection systems can be developed to facilitate rapid biomarker analysis and the detection of infectious pathogens (J. Phys. Chem. C. 2016; Nano Lett. 2017). We have developed electrochemical assays that are able to detect nucleic acids, proteins and small molecules, with universally high sensitivity levels and have applied this approach in a variety of areas including noninvasive monitoring via Liquid Biopsy (Nature Chemistry 2015) and antimicrobial resistance assessment (Nature Chemistry 2020). Recently we have developed reagentless sensors that are powerful detectors for viral sensing (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021) and in vivo sensing (Nature Chemistry, 2021). This talk will summarize the development of these sensors, their application to a variety of clinical problems, and their evolution into a clinical-grade products.

Dr. Shana Kelley is Neena B. Schwartz Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University. Dr. Kelley received her Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology and was a NIH postdoctoral fellow at the Scripps Research Institute. The Kelley research group works in a variety of areas spanning biophysical/bioanalytical chemistry, chemical biology and nanotechnology, and has pioneered new methods for tracking molecular and cellular analytes with unprecedented sensitivity. Dr. Kelley's work has been recognized with a variety of distinctions, including being named one of "Canada's Top 40 under 40", a NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Fellow, the 2011 Steacie Prize, and the 2016 NSERC Brockhouse Prize. She has also been recognized with the ACS Inorganic Nanoscience Award, the Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, a Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar award, a NSF CAREER Award, a Dreyfus New Faculty Award, and was also named a "Top 100 Innovator" by MIT's Technology Review. Kelley is an inventor on over 50 patents issued worldwide. She is a founder of three molecular diagnostics companies, GeneOhm Sciences (acquired by Becton Dickinson in 2005), Xagenic Inc. (acquired by General Atomics in 2017), and Cellular Analytics. Kelley serves as a Board Director for Ontario Genomics and a Board Trustee for the Fight Against Cancer Innovation Trust (FACIT). She is an Associate Editor for ACS Sensors, and an Editorial Advisory Board Member for the Journal of the American Chemical Society and ACS Chemical Biology. Kelley Laboratory

For more information, please contact Christine Garske by email at [email protected] or visit