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KNI Special Seminar with Nanoscribe CEO and Co-founder Martin Hermatschweiler

Monday, January 29, 2024
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Steele 125
KNI Special Seminar

"Advances in 3D Printing by Two-Photon Polymerization and Enabled Applications"

Martin Hermatschweiler, Co-founder and CEO of Nanoscribe

Monday, January 29 @ 4 pm in 125 Steele

The talk highlights recent technical advancements of two-photon polymerization (2PP) and two-photon grayscale lithography (2GL) boosting the performance of 2PP. Additional sub-wavelength alignment capabilities open up vast opportunities e.g. in the field of integrated photonics, for MEMS devices, materials engineering, in microfluidics as well as in life sciences.

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Martin Hermatschweiler

Martin is co-founder of Nanoscribe and its CEO since its foundation in 2007. He studied physics in Ulm and Karlsruhe, Germany. Among others he was chosen by the business magazine "Capital" among Germany's 40 most-talented entrepreneurs under 40 years old.

Under his guidance, business was built up from scratch, starting with originally three employees. Today, Nanoscribe is a multinational medium-scaled enterprise with 100+ employees located in Karlsruhe, Shanghai, and Boston, MA. In June 2021, Nanoscribe was acquired by the BICO group.


Nanoscribe began as a spin off from KIT and is now a pioneer and leader in the field of Additive Manufacturing by Two-Photon Polymerization. With over 100 highly qualified employees, we develop and produce solutions for advanced lithography and 3D printing. More than 4,000 active operators of our systems located in over 30 countries benefit from the continuous advancement of our technology. We deliver smart solutions on the micro- to mesoscale that inspire our customers and enable them to materialize ground-breaking ideas.

For more information, please contact Tiffany Kimoto by phone at 626-395-3914 or by email at