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Special CMX Seminar

Tuesday, January 23, 2024
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Annenberg 104
Four episodes of Kuramoto oscillators
Seung Yeal Ha, Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University,

In this talk, we discuss the state-of-the-art results on the emergent behaviors of the Kuramoto oscillators. In particular, we study relations between the finiteness of collisions and phase-locking of the Kuramoto model. When there is no inertial effect, it is well known that the finiteness of collisions is equivalent to the emergence of phase-locking. Thus, when a Kuramoto ensemble is under the effect of inertia, whether the same equivalence relation hold or not is an intricate question. In this talk, we show that in a small inertia regime, the aforementioned equivalence still holds, whereas in a large inertia regime, we show that a homogeneous Kuramoto ensemble with the same natural frequencies can exhibit phase-locking, while there are countable number of collisions between Kuramoto oscillators. This is a contrasted effect of a large inertia in phase-locking process.

This is a joint work with Hangjun Cho (SNU) and Jiu-Gang Dong (Dalian Univ. of Technology).

For more information, please contact Jolene Brink by phone at (626)395-2813 or by email at or visit CMX Website.