Joanna Austin
Professor of Aerospace; Graduate Option Representative for Aeronautics and Space Engineering; Undergraduate Option Representative for Aerospace
Research interests: fundamental problems in reactive, compressible flows across a broad range of applications, including hypervelocity flight and planetary entry, supersonic combustion and detonation, bubble dynamics, and explosive geological events.
Joanna Austin's research is focused on fundamental problems in reactive, compressible flows across a broad range of applications, including hypervelocity flight and planetary entry, supersonic combustion and detonation, bubble dynamics, and explosive geological events.
Related Courses
Ae 150 abc – Aerospace Engineering Seminar
Ae 234 ab – Hypersonic Aerodynamics
Ae 150 abc – Aerospace Engineering Seminar
Ae 234 ab – Hypersonic Aerodynamics
Ae/APh/CE/ME 101 abc – Fluid Mechanics
Ae 150 abc – Aerospace Engineering Seminar
Ae 237 ab – Nonsteady Gasdynamics
Ae 234 ab – Hypersonic Aerodynamics