Leonard J. Schulman
Professor of Computer Science; Graduate Option Representative for Computer Science
Research interests: algorithms, coding, communication, combinatorics, probability and quantum computation.
Professor Schulman's research ranges over algorithms, communication protocols, combinatorics, probability, game theory, coding theory, information theory, and quantum computation; current emphases include causal inference and non-reversible Markovian dynamics.
- Dvijotham, Krishnamurthy;Rabani, Yuval et al. (2022) Convergence of incentive-driven dynamics in Fisher marketsGames and Economic Behavior
- Gordon, Spencer L.;Schulman, Leonard J. (2022) Hadamard Extensions and the Identification of Mixtures of Product DistributionsIEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- Grandoni, Fabrizio;Ostrovsky, Rafail et al. (2022) A refined approximation for Euclidean k-meansInformation Processing Letters
- Rabani, Yuval;Schulman, Leonard J. (2021) The invisible hand of Laplace: The role of market structure in price convergence and oscillationJournal of Mathematical Economics
- Mehta, Jenish C.;Schulman, Leonard J. (2020) Edge Expansion and Spectral Gap of Nonnegative Matrices
- Bhaskar, Umang;Ligett, Katrina et al. (2019) Achieving target equilibria in network routing games without knowing the latency functionsGames and Economic Behavior
- Schulman, Leonard J.;Srivastava, Piyush (2019) Online Codes for Analog SignalsIEEE Transactions on Information Theory
- Schulman, Leonard J.;Vazirani, Umesh V. (2019) The duality gap for two-team zero-sum gamesGames and Economic Behavior
- Kalai, Gil;Schulman, Leonard J. (2019) Quasi-random multilinear polynomialsIsrael Journal of Mathematics
- Cohen, Gil;Haeupler, Bernhard et al. (2018) Explicit binary tree codes with polylogarithmic size alphabet
Related Courses
CS/IDS 153 – Current Topics in Theoretical Computer Science
CS/IDS 150 ab – Probability and Algorithms
CS/IDS 150 ab – Probability and Algorithms
CS/IDS 153 – Current Topics in Theoretical Computer Science: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms
CS/IDS 150 ab – Probability and Algorithms